Greed and the love for money had contributed to much of the problems of deforestation in Borneo, particularly in areas suitable for the cultivation of oil palm and in the control of corrupted and demonically inspired politicians, village and church elders and, sometimes those who chose the easier part of becoming rich overnight.
In the cases of Sabah and Sarawak, once Christian Nations before the formation of Malaysia, the natives are now under intense pressure, though very subtle at times, to convert to Islam with all kinds of rewards and strategies, including the promise of land, business opportunity, development, loans, etc. In the videos following, these are but the few sketches.
Surely, OUR YHVH ELOHIM and His Son Yeshua Hamashiach, is waiting for His watchmen and prayer warriors to keep sounding and blowing the 'shofar' to continuously struggle in prayers for our weapons of warfare are not carnal but powerful to the pulling down of strongholds and any argument that lifts itself higher the Him.