Thursday, 6 October 2011

FREE DOWNLOADS - with the compliments and prayers of Ps Susan Tang



I wrote this book  for  the senior citizens and elderly people within the BODY OF CHRIST in  the nations of the world  because I know God wants them to rise up and use whatever remaining days they have to serve Him. The world may associate old people with weakness,  useless and being burdensome,  but God  always associate the aged with honor.
Imagine God told the aged to “dream dreams,” to be fruitful and to flourish! Old people are God’s powerful strategies and His plans can never be completed without them. Abraham and Sarah,  Elisabeth and Zachariah  never reached their destiny until they were old and stricken!  Read through this book and  look at the 10 reasons why you, my dear aged sister or brother,  should rise up. You can download this book and teach the 10 reasons to all elderly people.


Broken Altars
‘Broken altars, scattered stones… symbols of a forgotten and hurting God. These crumbled fragments are the pathetic mementoes of a Forsaken love, of broken covenants, dead worship, polluted sacrifices, stifled visions and a longing and angry God. Are these the root of the present increase of earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and typhoons? Are these the cause behind the menacing invasion of sicknesses, epidemics and pandemics that defy all treatment and cure’ - Susan Tang




We are living in unprecedented times of spiritual revelation where Father God is no longer speaking to His people in dark speeches but with deep clarity. He is also raising up many ordinary men and women to do extraordinary things. This is why this book is important because qualifications for ministry do not lie in ordination papers, academic excellence, social status, financial standing, intellectual refinement or men's approval - it lies in your relationship with God.


"Stand still and know that I am God. That I am that I am, is the gift that I will confer to you if you'll only be still. But the nature of the whole religious system militates against that stillness, it calls for running. So my God, do we have the courage to bring that system to an end?" - Art Katz


Clergy or laity, God's law for moral failure is unchanging. Active ministry must cease and offenders must go through a process of discipline and restoration. Men who do not repent greatly will never be restored greatly.


This book will help you in these areas:
• How to "birth" into the spiritual realm
• How to deal with the dark dynamics or secret sins in your life
• How to serve and move in God's timing
• How to fight off the spirits of lust and obsession
• How to rise as God's standard-bearer in this generation
• How to sustain longevity and effectiveness in ministry
• How to live in holiness as a single person

THIS book sounds a clarion call to the Bride of Jesus Christ - return to your first love and come into spiritual intimacy with the Divine Bridegroom. "Spititual intimacy is vital to longevity and effectiveness in the ministry." "Without intimacy we can never bear great adversity with great dignity." Stirring and illuminating. Read the book and be blessed.

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