Friday, 20 October 2023

Kadazan (People) vs Muhammed


 "The People vs Muhammed" JK Sheindlin 

Important notes       

To be brief, it is important that we address a number of pertinent issues and set legal parameters before proceeding with the trial. The accused, Muhammad Ibn-Abdullah, the self-declared final prophet of Islam an un-democratic institution, is to be tried without impunity under democratic law, receiving an unbiased verdict, despite his virulent stance against democracy. Under our fair constitution, the accused retains the right to obtain legal counsel to provide a fair defense against the charges brought before him. 

Secular or Muslim readers are permitted to act on behalf of the accused and defend their client only by refuting my evidence with tangible, logical, historical and scientific facts. It is unnecessary for the accused to be cross-examined as we are most certain that his version of the events taken from the Quran, Hadith and Tafsir will have remained unchanged. 

It’s also important that we indict the accused alleged god, Allah, and identify him as the co-architect to the 270,000,000 murders of non-Muslims, including the continued atrocities perpetrated against mankind today. Considering that no other significant individual in history has revealed the existence of Allah, the total accountability remains completely with Muhammad. Much to the displeasure of the atheist community, I must also present all Judeo-Christian documentation to develop a case against the accused to prove the defendant’s spiritual fraudulence. For this reason, I must be partial to Judaism and Christianity considering that the Bible has remained archaeologically and historically accurate until this day. However, I stress that this trial is impartial to religion itself, and will not be used as a soap box to proselytize. I challenge both the defense team and jury to cross-reference the submitted evidence, especially the included Hadith texts, for which I will include on the basis that Sunni Islam is the majority sect Shia Islam rejects these traditions . Likewise, though the Tafsir is a collection of ‘commentaries’, I will still submit its testimony on the Tafsir is a collection of ‘commentaries’, I will still submit its testimony on the grounds that the original authors are regarded as ‘Ismah’ sinless . without religious error or blemish. Therefore, their arrogance will only serve to indict them, making them fully complicit in Muhammad’s crimes. Finally, I will make numerous accusatory references to ‘Islam’, yet this does not excuse Muhammad from the charges laid before him. On the contrary, Islam is the brainchild of the accused, and I intend to expose the repercussions of his fraudulence. Every man is accountable to his own actions. Terrorists are not exempt from punishment in light of this trial. Therefore, without excusing acts of violence and terrorism committed by Muhammadans, the total and undivided responsibility for all atrocities committed by Islam, lies solely with Muhammad himself.

(Note to the reader. While there may be similarities or repetitiveness regarding the provided evidence with each individual charge, all documentation submitted is pertinent to substantiate the prosecution’s case.)

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