![The Bakun Dam in Malaysia.](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b7/BakunDam.jpg/300px-BakunDam.jpg)
Dear friends and intercessors:
Thank you for your prayers for those who have prayed!
Our meetings were held in Sibu, Sarawak. The area surrounding the city is heavily populated by Ibans, many who live in longhouses, but the city itself is comprised of many Chinese, esp. the Foochow (Fuzhou / Hockchiu) people group (who also are found in Sitawan, West Malaysia, a place where I have ministered and been received very warmly). The percentage of Christians in Sibu and Sarawak is the highest in Malaysia .
Sibu was the site of a major election battle in 2010 and is downstream from the controversial "Bakun dam," -- the largest dam in Malaysia which displaced >9,000 First Nations peoples and decimated a rainforest the size of Singapore
For the first time in history, all major churches in Malaysia were represented or supportive of the prayer conference, including Catholics & Protestants; mainline denominations to independent churches; Pentecostal, charismatic to conservative, non-charismatic churches; etc. The unity itself was major miracle! (John 17:23)
I was honored to join the esteemed Bishop of the Methodist Church, Rev Dr. Hwa Yung as a keynote speaker. And despite my usual offbeat, unorthodox style in message (I held no jokes back), the response was positive and the Holy Spirit touched many in a loving yet powerful way.
God is raising up a new generation, young and vibrant, "on fire" yet wise beyond their chronological ages.
I showed a special video by Kelabit Esta Bala about life in Bario, followed by my sharing my "warning" dream about the land. The intercessors responded strongly, as Sibu itself is in the midst of a major ecological tragedy. Debris and mud from the Bakun dam flooded the Rajang River, causing ALL the fish, big and small, to "rise to the surface dead." The locals were heartbroken.
I was led to teach Sat. morning on identification repentance and the people responded with passion East vs. West Malaysia, Chinese vs. indigenous natives, between denominations reconciled. Some fell to the ground sobbing; some hugged in a rare Asian demonstration of reconciliation. It reminded me of my times w/ the Singhalese and Tamils in Sri Lanka or the Hutu and Tutsi people in Rwanda . Deeply felt, wholly God.
Please pray for:
1) The Holy Spirit to anoint intercessors to move in power in Malaysia , especially the youth, to engage the spiritual powers and bring justice and revival to the land.
2) Wisdom for me and for God to order my every step (Is 30:21), even well in 2011 as I am overwhelmed by requests to preach / teach / minister in Singapore and Malaysia .
It was a great honor to be with the Foochow people of Sibu (as in Sitiawan), a people targeted by both John Sung and Watchman Nee, to worship with the Sidang Injil Borneo worship team, to co-minister with the youth and to "fan the flames" (2 Tim 1:6) of revival, unity, and love in Malaysia.
"The Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way"
(2 Thes 3:16)
Dr. Joseph Ozawa @ Achang (Lun Bawang) @ Ngutat Bala (Kelabit)
Thanks for inviting me to the MNPN Convocation in Sibu. I was greatly blessed.
East Malaysia has been something special in my heart ever since I went for my first mission trip to Lawas in Sarawak about 28 years ago! This Convocation therefore has revived my burden and love for East Malaysians.
Dr. Osawa's presentation has awakened the burden to pray more for East Malaysia and to ask the Lord to preserve the land from exploitation. More than that we pray that God will send revival again to Sabah and Sarawak as He has done so in the past.
Bishop Hwa Yung's sermon (is thoughtful) has also raised an awareness of the danger the church in Malaysia is facing. We have a choice to face revival or slow extinction!!
The choice of Melaka as the next venue is indeed led by the Lord. Melaka was the gateway when the Gospel first touched the shores of Malaysia and the Lord has shown that it will once again be a big gateway to usher in the revival that we are all praying for. This is an exciting relevation and we will certainly pray and look forward to it.
In Christ,
Ps Khim
Touched by the unity of members of different churches coming together. Bishop Dominic Su’s message was a confirmation of the same message delivered to Sibu Christians from another group from Singapore. Bishop Dr Hwa Yung’s message in the Methodist church was an answer to many years of prayer. To Jesus be all the glory. - Mary Chieng
This convocation strengthens my faith to pray and intercede more. ‘Is there anything too hard for the Lord?’ No!!! - Lee Chet Fang
- Must prepare a feedback form
- PowerPoint must be well operated for all events and items
- Worship team is good but prefer to have 3 languages worship Praise Team
- Food and rest place is good enough - Alex Wong
- Good environment
- A good convocation with sufficient prayer and information from Sabah and Sarawak and prayer networks
- Good workshop discussions
- Good preaching and important message by Bishop Hwa Yung
- Good ministry by Dr Joe Ozawa
- Good relationship with participants
- Good worship
Overall grade A
PS food could be better though – more vegetable and meat
Thanks a lot for the organizing committee which had put in a lot of time and thoughts etc.
God bless you all richly - no name
- Why no morning prayer? Should have morning prayer as option - 5.00am – 6.30 am daily
- Sharing and group prayer items very useful for prayer to continue to pray later – after the convocation
- Time of praying for one another was good but too short – should limit group size to 3 max – to make most effective use of time
- 3 Chinese speaking delegates did not seem to know why they were here – as though someone had signed them up and they came because of that. They were unwilling to leave their contact info – did not seem interested in praying for the nation. – no name
My church did not mention about this prayer convocation but my friend encouraged me to come. I am glad I did. I learn more about prayer and sense the urgency of prayer for the nation. What I observe is that most of the prominent pastors and church leaders from the churches in Sibu are not there. There is still not enough unity. I am not particular about the taste of food. However, I hope it can be more health conscious (eg to a lot of participants chicken wings may not be the best option – more suitable for younger ones). I like the Lighthouse-Watchmen Prayer Network and hope to be able to carry it out. - no name
Thank you MNPN for a well-organized convocation. The talks and sharing are all well-chosen and have helped us to be better intercessors. – no name
It was refreshing for me. I enjoyed the interaction with other people and especially the evening services. Dr Ozawa carried a gentle anointing. The steps of the hostel were challenging especially with heavy bags. – Ps Khim Ang
This event has been God’s timing as it is great to see how God’s people coming from various background to worship and pray together as a united force which should be mobilized at all major cities and towns even in the rural areas. Thank God for the hard work of the organizing committee.
- I comment about the venue is that it is a good place for a prayer convocation such as this.
- I am reminded that we need to go back to the simple lifestyle which I saw is available in this place
- It is a vital beginning and we need to maintain to flow with God as He moves. Question: How are we going to do so? I believe God will do it through MNPN. – Rev James Lee
This convocation has taught me in many areas-
Be simple and obedient. I have desire to pray more.
We made many new friends and sense the prayer movement has started in Malaysia. The prayer anointing can be felt over this convocation. In 2011 may we meet with more from other parts of Malaysia. Hope we can have all the states of Malaysia share their needs in 2011 in Melaka. – Lim Tiok Hua
As I was preparing to come to this convocation, I don’t know what to expect. But I praise God that I did. Rev Hwa Yung’s message shook me a bit. Sometimes we take our Christian life for granted. We forget the Church is called to holiness and I think that was a reminder to us. Rev Lee Tak Vui also did a good job presenting MNPN and explaining what it is al about. But I was really touched by the respect of all the participants that come from all denominations. Before this we don’t know what will be the reaction of the Mainline and Charismatic combined plus using the Catholic premises. In all this I can only give credit to God. Indeed God did His work among His people. – Susan Gan
I’m grateful for joining this seminar. I’m really amazed seeing so many sisters and brothers in Christ from different places and churches come together and pray for our country, Malaysia. It really touched my heart and let me see how important it is to pray for our country. Along the way, God let me see my own weakness and how important to pray for Malaysia and not for our church and personal matters only. - Goh Li Lian
This convocation is really mobilizing. I suggest we have a prayer room for those who wish to pray during the free time. - Phoebe Kiu
Good room. Prayer item is not really link to speaker’s message. Maybe we can pray for Muslims. - Tan Boon Hong
I thank God for guiding me here. This is my first time to Sibu. I found that every program of this prayer convocation runs smoothly and I enjoy my stay and every session is good. Thank you. - Jane Junit
It’s a wonderful time to be with MNPN as a team to pray for all churches and for our country Malaysia. We are in the family of God. Thank you God. Thank you everyone present here in Catholic Sibu Diocesan Pastoral Retreat Centre. Thank you MNPN for arranging this function so that we could pray together to transform our nation. We pray, God does everything. Thank you Rev Ann. - Rev Chieng Puong Kui
Thank God for this ministry (MNPN) birthing forth. Jer 33:3. God our Father is preparing His people to be aggressive in prayers, interceding stations over the nation of Malaysia, every tribe, touching the heart beat of the Father, and with the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, from grace to grace, glory to glory, strength to strength, as God our Father as started, He’ll bring it to accomplish till the day our Lord returns. Ps 65:11-13. Amen God bless. – Esther Yong Pit Sia
I have my small prayer group called Mountain Group. These 3 days I received a lot from the Lord and the pastors’ messages, besides knowing a lot of brothers and sisters in Christ. - Agnes Teoh
To the committee - I am so thankful to be here. I did not know what to expect but the Lord knows why. He stirred my heart to come. I have been praying for Malaysia for many years, and want to be a part of this history. I want to be a history maker. God is good and He does all things in the right time. So yes to more years for us to pray and the Jubilee - will be there. As we repented on behalf of West Malaysia, God impress on me that we have taken the blessing away from East Malaysia and that we are like Eli and his sons taking the fat of the meat and that we will receive what He has set for us unless we pray and repent. We need to be strong and turn away from the greed and lust for prosperity. And not be scared to be disciplined like Eli was not strong to discipline his sons and death came. So pray for turning away from the fat and prosperity, and greed and humble ourselves in God’s presence. Thank you again for the hard work. ‘Well done good and faithful servant’. - no name email alystel@gmail.com
Good food and room. Good organization. Blessed by Bishop Hwa Yung’s sermon – Revival is a must. Thank you Lord for Dr Ozawa. Received good insight into strategic intercession. Totally inspired. Will carry on. Thank you. – Margaret T Chellappah
On the whole I am energized and renewed in my prayer life. Bishop Hwa Yung’s point on ‘the church will finally die under the majority Islamic rule’ really spur me on praying for the nation. The different prayer networks help us to know we are not alone in the work of God and we can partner together. The first session on worship needs to be improved. No lyrics, no power point so we could not flow along in praising and worshipping God. Dr Ozawa’s session on ‘strategic intercession’ once again make it clear of the importance of strategic intercession. SIB Bethel has done a good job in leading praise and worship. - Sia Mee Hua
When I first heard of this Prayer Convocation in Sibu a few months ago, without a second thought, I make up my mind and decide I want to attend. Because I very desperately to know more about prayer, how to pray to God, when I am in despair or in trouble. This prayer convocation indeed inspired me a lot but I still feel that there should be a session on workshop for ‘how to pray’. God bless. - no name email bluemelda@yahoo.com
This first convocation has been a wonderful blessing to us. I came wanting to hear what God is saying to us at this time, I wanted to focus on what God wants us to pray, so that our prayers offered in unity will go up as incense to the Lord. My team is‘re-fired’ and all ready to continue to pray. Looking to the next convocation. - Agnes Voo
‘Excellent’ – glory to God. Looking forward to 2011 in Melaka. – Melinda Lo
All glory to Jesus. It is awesome. I sense God is well pleased as He sees His children coming together in unity in prayer. I hear the urgency to continue to intercede for our nation and the next generation continuously. Thank God for the organizing committee, speakers and all participants. – Helen How
Salam sejahtera kepada saudara dan saudari yang seiman di dalam Yesus Kristus Tuhan. Syukur dan terima kasih Tuhan kerana programme A network of prayer networks MNPN 1st Malaysia Prayer Convocation 2010, Sibu, Sarawak. Kita semua berkongsi dan berdoa semua perkara mengenai kerja-kerja gereja amnya di Malaysia. Sabah, Sarawak, Semanjung Malaysia dan ada perserta tunggal dari Negara Singapore. Komitmen daripada semua suku bangsa amat berhasil untuk mencapai tujuan dan mattalamat semua kepada kerajaan Tuhan Allah kita. Perhubungan intim dengan Tuhan, tujuan yang jelas dalam kehidupan. Kebolehan percayaan yang tinggi dan komitmen yang kuat kepada iman. – Thomas anak Bajan
Workshops Report
Mountain Group Prayer
(I) Sharing time
- Called to pray and pray to transform nations.
- In times of helpless, old age but meet God in prayer, regained health and faith and prayer life.
- Need to be informed of recent prayer movement
- Encouraged by Bishop Hwa Yung’s message that in unity, God works through miracles in the New Testament church
- Prayers has centered from small matters to national issues, a burden for the Malays, the interior and youth ministry
- Experiencing spiritual growth, increase in faith, molding of characters and blessings through praying together
- Experiencing God’s protection from falling from stairs
- Convocation is a time of meeting new friends
- By God’s guidance, was able to be freed from busy schedule to join the convocation
- Was touched and comforted by participants who prayed fervently in the meetings
- Methodist churches are involved in MNPN but few in numbers. Fast and prayer needed
- Vision expanded by praying together such as pray for the nations
- Expand ministry by working in twos, such will prevent pride and self-centeredness
- In sickness, prayed consistently to God and experienced God’s help and developed intimacy with God
- In vision, Jesus riding a donkey entering Jerusalem. One is like a donkey, seemingly useless, yet used by God
- Pray for Israel that God’s purpose for His people shall come to pass
(II) Ministering the needs of individuals
- Prophetic ministry
- MNPN & Convocation reflection
- Bringing down the presence of God
- A time to encourage one another
- Through convocation believers of different churches are brought together by the love of God
- MNPN serves as a link to connect believers from different parts of Malaysia to pray in unity
- The urgency of prayer is now or the Church will die
- Expect God to work and answer our prayers even if it means to come to pass in the next generation
- Nation breakthrough by prayer
- MNPN provides prayer information and mobilizes churches to pray in unity that prayer to rise beyond denominations. - Lim Tiok Jua
Lighthouse Watchmen Group
Dr Chan shared her testimony of how the Lighthouse Watchmen group was birthed (printed notes too). She also shared the results seen after this Lighthouse Watchmen group started in particular tamans.
This touched our hearts and we want to start prayer cell groups for our own tamans. We know it is God’s desire. We thank Dr Chan for giving us the rules and regulations of this group (we have both the spoken word and the printed ones too). All the interested participants gave their names, email address and tel. nos. to Dr Chan. We have her contact too. We are glad we can contact Dr Chan if we need help or clarification.
1) What is MYPG? Desire to see God move in Malaysia. Started and manage solely by young people.
2) There seems to be a gap between the older generation and young or misunderstandings
3) Youth/young people like challenge. Yearn guidance by the adults. Mentors/leaders & pastors. Want a collaboration with adults – Elijah & Elisha. There would be a connection between the generations. Yearn for the adults to bless/double blessing from the adults
4) MYPG desires to redefine this generation. Want to see youth/young adults obey the call to ‘go’. MYPG not just pray but also the doing. MYPG seeks to break and bridge the gap between the generations. Unity is the key. If you want revival, judgment will come. Are you willing/ready? Revival comes also with a price. In order for revival to continue, holiness and holy lives are essential.
5) 3 years to raise up a generation that will give up their lives for Christ. MYPG is a lifestyle too.
Summary: MYPG to see God move His church, not about the generation – young or old.
Added notes: Media has great influence on our society now like never before ie internet. Addiction (not just youths but adults too). Who controls these ‘information’? Go back and take a look at what the youth are playing/being exposed. Take a look at what the youth are being brainwashed. The point is to understand what the youths are being exposed to. Alarming trends happening now in the channel of media (Youtube/internet) so subtle that adults and even more the youth.
MYPG to start a training called ‘detox program’ next year. They (youth) need to be trained and invested into. ‘Detox’ is a 2 week program/training. ‘Detox’ is a program to share and expose what’s being brainwashed and then ‘reprogram/ having prayer as the MAIN basis. It’s also a training and preparation for the youth so when God calls them, they (youth) ‘go’ being generation changers.
A leadership team is being trained now to manage/lead the ‘Detox’ program.
Have been called to prepare ‘arks for the flood’ when persecution comes, these youths can withstand. ‘Arks for the flood’ means the hearts of the youths.
Question : Tips of how to set up a LYPG?
Answer : LYPG are small groups in towns is to be more than 2 youths from different denominations once a week. To maintain a youth prayer group? Make them move around. Ask them to share. Initiate. There is no fixed formula (unfortunately). It’s a faith and prayer to start one.
Joe Ozawa adds : Prayer is about relationship with God. Speaking and listening. Listening to God is very important. Acting upon what we hear from God is important. Prayer is about listening to God and then acting. Allow the youth/teach them to listen.
Question : When is ‘Detox’ happening?
Answer : Maybe June (to be confirmed)
Problem raised is that many times the leaders of these LYPG leave (ie secondary school, graduates) the group dies. Retraining is needed. Facilitator is very important.
Added: Discussion raised ‘how do we as leaders raise up a circle of protection for these youths?’
What is needed is guidance. It is the greatest gift for the youth. Don’t give up on sowing in the lives of these youths. It’s comforting for the youths that there are adults there supporting them when they fall and still cheering them on.
Children in Prayer
Rev Ann shared how Children in Prayer seminar started and now has evolved into a prayer movement involving 4/14 W, focusing on children ages between 4-14 years old. There is a website available www.childreninprayer.my
Ps Stella Lo from All Saints Cathedral who has been involved in children ministry for a long time, has now discovered how children can be so sharp hearing the Lord and praying accordingly. At the recent Prayer & Worship Seminar with 700 children, she and the Sunday School teachers are amazed and overwhelmed with the way children have responded.
The ones present for this workshop have requested for resources. Ps Stella Lo & Rev Ann will email them the necessary materials.
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